The Tate for State campaign continues to receive support from organizations across the state...
I am thankful and fortunate to be recognized from Detroit Fire Fighters Association, The Detroit News, Detroit Regional Chamber, and Home Builders Association of Michigan as a Friend of Housing, and Michigan Realtors.
Endorsed by The Detroit Fire Fighters Association
The Detroit Fire Fighters Association, Local 344 (DFFA) holds the mission to gain fair, equitable, and just treatment of our members in all aspects of their employment as well as promote safety as the #1 issue. “We are honored to support the son of our fallen brethren in his efforts to make our city stronger and safer!” |
Endorsed by The Detroit News
Founded in 1873, The Detroit News provides breaking news, local in-depth reporting, and analysis of events important to Detroit and Michigan. |
Endorsed by Detroit Regional Chamber
The Detroit Regional Chamber is a well connected and influential force powering the economy for Southeast Michigan. Serving the business community for more than 100 years, the Detroit Regional Chamber is one of the oldest, largest and most respected chambers of commerce in the country. Chamber activities and initiatives are centered on four strategic pillars: economic development, regional collaboration, education reform and member value. |
Distinguished as a Friend of Housing
Friends of Housing (FOH) is the political action committee of the Home Builders Association of Michigan (HBAM), which includes 26 local home builder associations around the state and their builder/associate members. It works positively to promote the building industry and impact legislative, regulatory and legal issues affecting housing affordability. |
Endorsed by Michigan Realtors
Established in 1915 with over 30,000 current members, the Michigan Realtors® is an integrated advocacy and communications force for the real estate professionals of our State. We are the recognized public policy and legal advocate for private property rights, as well as the acknowledged leading resource for professional development, knowledge exchange, and wide-ranging business services. |